共发表期刊论文20余篇,授权发明专利2项,实用新型专利4项。此外,作为同行评审专家参与Scientific Reports、European Journal of Forest Research等国际主流期刊审稿。
1. Zheng Yaxiong, Fan Shaohui, Zhou Xiao, Zhang Xuan, Guan Fengying. Dynamics of stand productivity in Moso bamboo forest after strip cutting. Frontiers in Plant Science 2022; 13: 1064232.
2. Zheng Yaxiong, Guan Fengying, Fan Shaohui, Yan Xinrong, Huang Lanying. Dynamics of Leaf-Litter Biomass, Nutrient Resorption Efficiency and Decomposition in a Moso Bamboo Forest After Strip Clearcutting. Frontiers in Plant Science 2022; 12: 799424.
3. Zheng Yaxiong, Fan Shaohui, Guan Fengying, Zhang Xuan, Zhou Xiao. Characteristics of the litter dynamics in a Moso bamboo forest after strip clearcutting. Frontiers in Plant Science 2022; 13:1064529.
4. Zheng Yaxiong, Fan Shaohui, Zhou Xiao, Zhang Xuan, Guan Fengying. Effects of different harvesting methods on aboveground nutrient pools of Moso bamboo forest. Forests 2022; 13, 2138.
5. Zheng Yaxiong, Guan Fengying, Fan Shaohui, Zhou Yang, Jing Xiong. Functional Trait Responses to Strip Clearcutting in a Moso Bamboo Forest. Forests 2021; 6: 793.
6. Zheng Yaxiong, Guan Fengying, Fan Shaohui, Yan Xinrong, Huang Lanying. Biomass Estimation, Nutrient Content, and Decomposition Rate of Shoot Sheath in Moso Bamboo Forest of Yixing Forest Farm, China. Forests 2021; 12: 1555.
7. Zheng Yaxiong, Fan Shaohui, Guan Fengying, Xia Wen, Wang Shumei, Xiao Xiao. Strip Clearcutting Drives Vegetation Diversity and Composition in the Moso Bamboo Forests. Forest Science 2022; 68: 27-36.
8. 郑亚雄, 范少辉, 张璇, 周潇, 官凤英. 带状采伐毛竹林生产力变化规律研究. 林业科学, 2023,59(02):22-29.
9. 郑亚雄, 范少辉, 周潇, 张璇, 官凤英. 带状采伐毛竹林养分动态特征. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(4): 78-87.